DeliciousRestaurant reviewed by Rebolio

DeliciousRestaurant avatar on Tripadvisor

DeliciousRestaurant @deliciousrestaurant

  • Active on Tripadvisor
  • Published review: 1
  • Average rating: 3.0 (over the last 1 review)

Trust Score: 30%

Reviewed: 1 time

The Trust Score™ is based on notes left by users.
Rebolio wrote a review
Do you trust this reviewer? No
Reviewed July 09, 2020

Username doesn't check out

This reviewer is named "DeliciousRestaurant" and has 1 review, which is about a restaurant. You could assume that his username reflect this review. But he gives it only 3 stars...

He does say that the food is good even though it's expensive. His conclusion: "if you are not on a budget its good take the experience".

Then why rating it only 3 stars? The place has an average note of 4.5 so I would assume this reviewer is not very reliable, at least in the way he rates things.